Analisa pemakaian energi listrik dan cop pada AC split 900 watt menggunakan refrigeran hidrokarbon MC-22 dan R-22


  • Harsono . Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Unjani
  • Bambang Santosa Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Unjani



energi listrik efek refrigerasi COP


To know the efficiency of work one AC equipment needs to know electric
energy consumption , the effect of performance and those obtained from
refrigeration and ( cop ) .Most air conditioning system synthetic / ac wearing
a refrigerant .The use of synthetic a refrigerant were forbidden to the
government of the republic of indonesia no. 1 according to the decision
menperindag 79/mpp /kep/12 /2002 because they include ozone as depleting
substance ( ods ) , That is a substance that can result in damage to the ozone
layer , in addition to the still have the potential as the substance which can
cause the effects of global warming because it has global warming potential
gwp ( ) that is significant .On this thesis a refrigerant kept on a constant
review the use of environmentally friendly , namely a refrigerant musicool
hydrocarbon / 22 r-22 mc-22 as a substitute for .A refrigerant mc-22
compatible with air conditioner use r-22 components .From the research ac
split by using r-22 , electric power usage 726 watts , the effect of
refrigeration 149.07 kj / kg and cop 4.9 .Then maybe you an use mc-22 653
wat electricity power usage.


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Mechanical Engineering